Thursday, February 17, 2011

An Open Window...

I know I have previously written about sunshine in Indiana, but we just can't get enough this time of year! You cannot truly appreciate no sunshine for months unless you live in the Midwest....or Alaska! The sun is liquid gold....mothers send their kids out to play when the sun is out, no matter the temperature....our pale, sunless skin gets burned within seconds, but no one complains! Everyone is so happy and friendly. 

Today is a banner day weather-wise. The temperature is currently 55 , sunny, and we have the windows open....yes, that's right...the windows are open in February!!  

The minute I open the window, the cat smashes her face against the screen and just breathes in the fresh air. She will sit here for the next three hours and never budge!!

Here is the in mortal dread that the cat is getting more attention than he. Charlie will also be in this same spot for the next three hours watching the cat...

Almost all the snow is gone and now comes the mud!!

I just opened another window.....

The boy is napping in the sunshine...oops, he's been there for over 30 seconds...time for the SPF 150!!

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