Friday, February 25, 2011

Adventures in Farmland

Last weekend my father-in-law (Pops) was out of town. When he goes out, we usually take care of the animals he has on his property (aka- 'the farm'). As a city girl, I am fascinated with all the "farm stuff". I love watching the vegetables get bigger and the flowers bloom. I really love the animals though. Last summer, Pops decided to raise chickens. So he built a coop and got about 6 chickens to lay eggs for food. We call them "the girls".
Anyway, while Pops was out of town, we watched after the chickens. It wasn't difficult as winter tends to make chickens stay indoors. All I had to do was go to the farm and make sure they were still alive and gather the eggs they had laid. I felt so wholesome...very "Little House"!!

The girls were safe in their coop. In order to keep in the heat, there is thick, plastic sheeting over the doors. This makes for blurry pictures, but I don't think the chickens mind!! Here is one of the girls on the roosting pole.

Once the chickens heard me coming, they began to squawk and came over to the door looking for some handouts. The girls have quickly discovered that humans mean food. Here they are begging for treats (they didn't get any as I was fresh out of grubs and bugs).

here are the fresh eggs!!

this is the girls' home (coop). It's the fanciest one I have ever seen (ok, i've only seen two, but this is definitely the best!)

A bit of Friday fun!!!

I love this video and every time I watch it, my day becomes brighter! I thought sharing this might brighten your day as well. Happy Weekend!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

An Open Window...

I know I have previously written about sunshine in Indiana, but we just can't get enough this time of year! You cannot truly appreciate no sunshine for months unless you live in the Midwest....or Alaska! The sun is liquid gold....mothers send their kids out to play when the sun is out, no matter the temperature....our pale, sunless skin gets burned within seconds, but no one complains! Everyone is so happy and friendly. 

Today is a banner day weather-wise. The temperature is currently 55 , sunny, and we have the windows open....yes, that's right...the windows are open in February!!  

The minute I open the window, the cat smashes her face against the screen and just breathes in the fresh air. She will sit here for the next three hours and never budge!!

Here is the in mortal dread that the cat is getting more attention than he. Charlie will also be in this same spot for the next three hours watching the cat...

Almost all the snow is gone and now comes the mud!!

I just opened another window.....

The boy is napping in the sunshine...oops, he's been there for over 30 seconds...time for the SPF 150!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Here in Indiana, the winter can be very cold and grey. Even the sun likes to hide from us. One of the local weathermen calls the winter sky a "permacloud". I find this title very fitting for the complete grey-ness of the season!!

However, Friday we got some sunshine (finally). Our cat, Ozzy, spent the whole afternoon chasing the one ray of sun that came through our window. She slept, stretched out, and bathed in the sun, completely enjoying herself.

The permacloud is now back today...along with more snow!! Ah well, we will always have the memories of Friday afternoon.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowpocalyse.....sort of

inSo the weathermen here in Northern Indiana were shouting in the streets about a system moving into our area. This system was to bring not 1 or 2 inches of snow, not 8 or 9 inches, but almost 24 inches!! The weather people were oozing with glee!! Kids everywhere were praying for school closings. Adults were buying up eggs and milk like it was going out of style!! People were stock piling flashlights and candles, flamethrowers and machine guns....the "storm of the century" was upon us!

here is what the outside looked like before the storm hit

this is during the storm- you can't see how crazy the wind was though

outside after the storm (picture taken by micah)

after the final shoveling (picture taken by micah)
Was it the "storm of the century"? Not by a long shot.....but it was fun watching the 6 or so total inches of snow fall. The VerHage family just sat by the window and watched it all happening while eating homemade soup. We are hoosiers and snow don't scare us! My family called me the morning after to see if we were completely covered in snow. My grandma couldn't rest until she knew we had enough blankets and heat!! So for now we close the book on the "storm of the century"....but we still have 89 years to use that title.